Year: 2023

One City – Two Earthquakes

Task description: This week we have been learning all about Christchurch and the devastating earthquakes that happened in 2010 and 2011. Our leaning intention was to find clues within the text and read between the lines to understand the hidden meaning to make a conclusion or an assumption. This week we read an article called “One City – Two Earthquakes.” We learnt the different ways to stay safe during an earthquake. For our task we had to create a piece of digital art showing how to drop, cover and hold. I chose to create a scratch project to show how to drop, cover and hold please check it out below. Please feel free to leave a positive comment on my blog.

I have also created a review about the article, check it out here!


hoilday writeing

Last week during the holidays I went to a camp called Camp Raglan .It was 2 hours and 30 minutes and while we were still in the car I had a headache . When we arrived it was gone and I was so happy . I got my cookies and went to the gym to get checked in I put my cookie in the basket then they checked my temperature then i got to see which cabin im in they showed where it is then i got ready and made my bed then ate some chocolate then 2 persons came and i both know them from my church then they made there beds then talked to our leader who was taking after we went to go play on the sleds and skimmers . I was afraid to go down but my leader encouraged me. Then it was dinner time. It was nachos. We sat at our table. Then I lost my appetite because it had beans in it. Then it was dessert. I didn’t like dessert either, so it was free time again . So I just went to my cabin and talked together. Then it was our afternoon meeting . We got in and they said that our topic for points is parkour then we watched a movie and had our supper and went to bed the end.

Response to text

What is exercise?
a) Eating yummy fruits and vegetables.
b) Moving your body in fun and active ways
c) Watching TV and playing video games
d) Taking long naps

How does exercise help your muscles and bones?
a) It makes them taste better
b) It helps them grow stronger.
c) It makes them invisible
d) It makes them glow in the dark

What can you do to make your heart strong?
a) Eat lots of chocolate
b) Watch movies all day
c) Play video games for hours
d) Exercise and move your body.

What do endorphins do when you exercise?
a) Make you sleepy
b) Make you grumpy
c) Make you happy.
d) Make you invisible

How does exercise make you feel after playing a game or running around?
a) Sleepy
b) Hungry
c) Full of energy.
d) Bored
What can exercise help you have at night?
a) Sweet dreams.
b) Scary dreams
c) No dreams
d) Silly dreams

Which activity is NOT a fun way to exercise?
a) Playing outside
b) Having a dance party
c) Playing video games.
d) Going on nature adventures

What should you do before you start exercising to keep your muscles safe?
a) Wear a superhero costume
b) Drink lots of soda
c) Warm up your muscles with gentle stretches.
d) Jump into cold water

What can you do with a skipping rope?
a) Tie your shoes
b) Jump without stopping.
c) Swing from trees
d) Dance like a butterfly

Why is it important to wear the right shoes and clothes when you exercise?
a) To show off your fashion sense
b) To keep you warm in winter
c) To keep you cool in summer
d) To keep you comfy and safe.

How does moving your body help your brain become more active?

What purpose does warming up your muscles serve before you start exercising? Be stronger